Your Horoscopes for 2014

Your Horoscopes for 2014

Postby crosfan » Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:40 pm

ARIES (March 21 - April 19)
You start the year concerned with relationships, and that remains a major theme throughout this year. For some of you, it might be your significant other. For many, a business partnership will be your focus. For others, you will be concerned with all your relationships. You are a strong, independent sign, which does not make it easy to establish a bond. You will be working on much to give. If you feel resentful, you have given too much. If you feel guilty, you have not given enough. Make adjustments, if need be. Surprises will be a theme for you, especially if you were born at the end of March or at the beginning of April. Come August, single Rams will be out on the prowl. At the same time, romances will rekindle for attached Rams, who are unlikely to be out and about as much. Focus on the many positives of 2014

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)
You enter this year felling scraggly, worn out and wishing for something other than a bad hair day. That wish will be fulfilled some time in February. The wise Bull will not make any major changes for the first two months of the year, whether you are looking at making a move or deciding on a new hair colour. Your motto for January and February is: No Change. In Many ways, this year will involve you looking back at what was started 14 years ago. You will have choices to make. If everything is fine, don't worry; otherwise, an adjustment might be necessary. You will feel the effect primarily within your relationships. Use care through May, as you will be accident-prone. Your mind often will wander to thoughts not relevant to what you are doing. Nevertheless, your daily life has an upbeat, positive quality. Your style of communication also becomes more evolved. Others respond to you with ease. Come August, you might make an investment in real estate. you will start expressing much joy within your domestic life through the remainder of the year. You end 2014 on a far more content tone than what it began on.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)
You are redefining many areas of your life, particularly your daily routine. Just when you believe everything has settled down, you will encounter a surprise. This shakeup pattern continues, and it defines your year. At one time, you did say that you wanted an exciting life, didn't you? Financial strength remains a possibility through July. The odds are high for a promotion or pay raise. You could see your savings grow, as long as you use moderation with your expenses. You could spend new-found income very easily, but the wise Twin will hold back. This year, you will notice that you get a lot of what you want, but it will come in from out of left field and at the most unexpected moments. Your circle of friends might change drastically, as a more exciting, dynamic person could appear on the scene. Accept everyone's differences, and you will be happier. Communication becomes a source of happiness from August on, especially if it is a big part of your professional life. Now let's pop the champagne!

CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
As 2013 becomes 2014, you will experience the beginning of a new life cycle. Lady luck rides on your shoulder, and, as long as your energy is clear, you could have an outstanding six months ahead of you. come August, your finances will start improving with more funds coming in. This trend will continue throughout the year. If you are creative or in an artistic field, you will dream of putting your imagination and skills into concrete form. Many of you will manifest this talent and find the appropriate outlet, while some of you might meet resistance. Don't worry - you can get past that. If you are single, someone older will appear in your life. Romance is more than possible. Be sure that you really want this bond because getting rid of this person could be close to impossible. If you are attached and at the proper age, a new addition to the family is possible. You have many desires, and you have the power to fulfil some of them this year. What is stopping you? The Force is with you. Happy New Year, Cancer!

LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Use the period of time before August to complete a matter that began roughly 11 to 12 years ago. Imagine where you were in your life then. Did you start to date, get married or change career fields? How did that work out for you? If, by chance, you are not happy with your choices, you will have an opportunity to make new choices come August 2014. Some of you will be able to tweak what you have so as to make it work better. Others will want to enter the new cycle free and clear. Your domestic life might feel heavy or burdensome in some manner. Hang in there: in another year everything will change. On the other hand, if you have a home-based business, you might avoid some of the problems that could be coming up. Either way, your attention is on the home front. In times of change, no matter how you feel, it is important to take good care of yourself. Avoid wild diets and say "yes" to more exercise. You want to be in the best possible shape. Christen this New Year with a big smile.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
You can have what you want if you would just focus on it. Your ability to manifest your desires remains high through July 2014. Don't be shy! Put yourself out there and go for what you want. Few will deny you. After July, you will enter a reclusive period when you enjoy your private time, and you are no longer out and about as much. Romance is active; however, a relationship that starts this year will go through a lot of changes. This bond will be intense and hard to break away from. You will learn a lot about power, control and love with this person. If you are attached or dating, there is a strong possibility that you could put your sweetie on a pedestal. When reality hits, don't blame this person for deceiving you. Know that you were a co-conspirator by refusing to see the truth. This year you will experience many insights through one-on-one relating. You have the ability to change what you don't like.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Your New Year's Eve might be off because your ruling planet, Venus, will be dancing a backward jig that night. The good news is that this theme does not extend into your entire year. Inf fact, this period of discontent is over by February. During this above-mentioned period, do not upset the applecart, especially with love or money. You are a force to be dealt with through July. Others look up to you. Your career could be headed in a direction that thrills you. You also might see more funds come in. Come August, you find yourself pleased with life and with your friends. If you need to make an adjustment somewhere, the time will be August through December. This is wish-upon-a-star time.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
This year will be the last of a very intense maturing process. If you have been living well or have felt in sync with your energy, you will discover that everything flourishes in your life. If you haven't, know that you need to make some changes. After all, the planets are giving you a report card. It must be said that you are very serious-minded at this point in time. You will be encouraged to take an overview and detach when you encounter any hassles. With this ability, you can find a path that works. Travel might be more likely through July 2014. Sometime between August 2014 and 2015, you will discover how much others value you. Some of you even might feel like a rock star! Enjoy this period of recognition; you have worked hard to get to this point. You will wave goodbye to 2014 feeling very different than you do right now. Now let's partake in you New Year celebration!

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec.21)
You are doing a lot of completion this year, which is connected to 28 years ago, give or take a year. Put yourself back in that time period. Is there a theme that carried you through? Did you start working then? Or start dating? How has it gone? Use this year to wrap up the situation, or decide to make it better. Next year you will begin a new life cycle; start it as clear-headed as possible. At this point, there could be a haze around you that allows you to play out your personal agenda. If you want to believe that everything is perfect, you can. If you want to believe that everything is perfect, you can. If you want to feel sabotaged, you can do that, too. If you are single, you will have enough excitement in your love life that you won't need to distort your life. If you are attached, you will find that your attached, you will find that your sweetie is full of surprises. Enjoy this year, and use its gifts positively.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
You are changing on a profound level. At times, you will get a strange look or comment from a friend. This person might not know what is going on, but he or she will sense a difference. Some of you will manifest this inner change in an outward change of look and style. Just imagine making the exterior meet the mood of the interior. It could be wild! Promotions will start playing a stronger role in your day life. You also will see the powerful effect that music has on your mood. Learn to test out your inner voice. You most likely will discover how right-on it is. You can heal an important relationship this year if you so choose. Others seem to come toward you more and more, as they find you extremely interesting and desirable, especially this year!

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
You are always full of surprises. This year the only difference will be that you are the one being surprised by life. The unexpected runs rampant and excitement rules your day-to-day life. What people won't hear from you is how boring your life is. Romance barrels in any time from late July on. Strap on your seatbelt! Be careful with your finances, double-check your change and be wary of investments. It is important that you not let anyone else handle your money this year. Consider taking a class or two on finances if you feel you need it. Bosses are demanding, and you have the energy to meet their requests. Some of you seriously might be considering starting your own business. Keep your friends and advisers close, and encourage them to give you their opinions. You then can be free of worry and able to enjoy the many exhilarating moments in 2014!

PISCES (Feb. 19 - March 20)
You tend to get wistful this year, and it seems to your inner circle that you spend more time in your dream world than you did before. You like it there! Still, you need to start sharing more. You also are gaining tremendous insights about yourself and the patterns in your life sometimes you might think that you are having an identity crisis. You probably are just opening up to a whole new plane of life experience. Your goals and your circle of friends could be adjusting to your new views of the world. Your love life will feel and see the difference of this quiet inner transformation. If you are single, you will have several choices to make. do not commit until you are 100 per cent sure. If you are attached, the two of you start acting like new-found lovers. You and your sweetie could plan a very special, long-desired trip or event. Greet 2014 with a glass of champagne and with excitement about your future!

from Toronto Star on January 1, 2014
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